Performing Arts
A grotesque, devilish musical cabaret performance brought to life through a poetic fusion of banal humor, pop songs, vulgarity and eroticism. After millennia of silent observation, a diabolical being decides to confront humanity with its impending doom. But instead of trying to solve the unsolvable, it opts for a special form of consolation - a cabaret that makes humanity's final moments more bearable.
Incubation format in the frame of INCUBO, BIOTOP Theater 12-15.09.2024
Full Version will premiere in season 2025/6
Supported by the city of Biel/Biene as part of a two year artistic development stipend.

Oracle Opus
An interdisciplinary musical performance that offers one spectator a private tarot reading in the form of a pop song.
November 2023
Venue - art space Juraplatz Beil/Bienne
3-7 minutes
Supported by the city of Biel/Bienne and Swisslos Canton Bern

An interactive dance performance for young public that deals with the translation of emotions in words and movement.
June 2022 - Februar 2023
company thank you for the compliments and FUORI
Venues- Dschungel Wien, Theatre la Grenouille, Teatro Dimitri
45 minutes
Supported by MA7 Vienna, the city of Biel/Bienne and Swisslos Canton Bern, GVB, Vinetum, Oertli, Ernst Göhner

I Talk To The Wind
A performative essay performed on a table dealing with social taboo of letting gas in public
July 2022
KarteNoire2502 - FESTISCH
Venue - Espace Libre, Biel/Bienne
Solo performance
12 minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent ​

Couch Karaoke
A performative ode to not leaving the couch.
September 2021
KarteNoire2502 - ABER SICHER!
Venue - BIOTOP Theatre / Format 26, Biel/Bienne
Solo Performance
7 minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

Talking Head Rerring
A video performance exploring the search of identity and meaning using red herrings as a narration tool.
April 2021,May 2024
KarteNoire2502 - Red Herring (Lockdown edition)
Venues - Voirie, Biel/Bienne, Courone Korone - au Joli Mois de Mai (Curated by Espace Libre)
Video performance
8:42 minutes
Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOwC4fEXqU
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

Coffee I Loved You
A pseudo-philosophical musical essay about the pursuit of happiness. Morke and her best friend, the laptop, embark on a journey together to discover what happiness is all about.
December 2020, May 2024
KarteNoire2502 - REMAKE (Lockdown edition)
Venues - Art Space Juraplatz, Biel/Bienne, Courone Korone - au Joli Mois de Mai (Curated by Espace Libre)
Video performance
5 minutes
Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvjfw99JMAY
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

60 ml in 6 Minutes
An audio visual association game in a woman’s mind as she is bored while pumping milk.
June 2020, May 2024
KarteNoire2502 - Langeweile (Lockdown edition)

Venue - Alte Krone, Biel/Bienne, Courone Korone - au Joli Mois de Mai (Curated by Espace Libre)
Video Performance
6 minutes
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beKvDvCRR2Q
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

I Will Never Be Like You Mom
A performative love-hate letter to all mothers performed by a future mother.
October 2019
KarteNoire2502 - Dini Muetter
Venue - Voirie, Biel/Bienne
Solo performance
13 Minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

M.E.G.A. - Make Earth Great Again
A satirical lecture performance promoting a better future for Earth through a paradoxical solution: a pregnant woman convinces the audience to join M.E.G.A. - an organisation advocating for ample resources, clean air, water, and space by making room for the next generation through voluntarily collective suicide.
September - November 2019
KarteNoire2502 / cie thank you for the compliments
Venues - Voirie, Farelhaus culture, Biel/Bienne
Solo lecture-performance
20-50 minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Ernst Göhner, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

SATURN MACHINE - suspension of disbelief
Inspired by the most absurd conspiracy theories we could find online, Saturn Machine is a glimpse at two people who are isolated in their own paranoia, and can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction. Their imagination becomes a threat. They begin to mistrust each other, themselves and even to doubt their own existence as performers in front of the public.
August 2018
Cie thank you for the compliments
Venues - Dachstock - Alte Krone Biel/Bienne, Teatro Dimitri Verscio
Duo performance with Samuel Müller
Directed by Luigi Guerrieri
60 minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Ernst Göhner, Migros Aare Cultural Percent.

Freedom of Speechless
A performance dealing with the most basic human right – the right of free speech. Freedom of Speechless was conceived from a growing concern of a reality, in which artistic freedom is governed by sovereignty.
March 2017 - Februar 2019
Mor Dovrat and Yarden Gilboa
Venues - BIOTOP, Biel / Tmuna, Tel-Aviv / TFK, Berlin / Teatro Dimitri, Verscio
50 minutes
Supported by City of Biel/Bienne, Swisslos Canton Bern, Ernst Göhner, Migros Aare Cultural Percent, 100 years Dada.